MemoScapes. Romanian Journal of Memory and Identity Studies
Aims and Scope
MemoScapes. Romanian Journal of Memory and Identity Studies explores the construction of the memorial cultures and the various forms of identity (individual, collective, social, cultural, etc.) that may be discerned in any society. It focuses primarily on European communities, but also looks towards other continents, when comparative approaches seem promising. The Journal explores a range of topics, such as the connections between communicative and cultural memory; myths (as elements of cultural memory); the creation of social/cultural/national/local identities; the process of patrimonialization and museification from a “longue durée” perspective. It welcomes academic syntheses, analyses and case studies.
MemoScapes Style Sheet
1.1 Articles submitted for publication are reviewed by specialists in the field, who accepted to participate in the peer review process. Some are members of the Editorial Board or the Scientific Board, but numerous other experts are consulted.
Preparation of the Articles
Initial submissions
2.1 Article proposals may be sent to the Editorial Board in electronic format, using the email address Articles should be submitted in a language of international circulation, preferably English. In so far as it is possible, authors are required to ensure the anonymous character of the submission, in order to ensure complete objectivity in the peer review process.
Each submission should include:
- The article of no more than 8000 words should be in a format compatible with Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx, .rtf);
- Illustrations, if any, as .JPG, .BMP, .GIF, .PSD or .CDR, named in order of appearance: Fig. 1, Fig. 2 etc; only if you have the copyright!
- A summary of the article, written in English (between 100 and 200 words), and a list of 5-10 keywords;
- A short bio of the author(s) of no more than 200 words!
In the body of the email, but not in the attachments, the contact data for the author: telephone number, email, institutional address.
Article proposals will be reviewed by two anonymous specialists, who will offer their opinion in the shortest time possible. The authors will be notified as soon as the peer review assessment arrives and they will be informed by the Editor-in-chief if their submission has been accepted, accepted with modifications or rejected. The reviews will also be forwarded to the authors.
Authors alone are responsible for the grammatical and stylistic correctness of their submissions. Article proposals with significant linguistic missteps will be returned and they may be re-submitted only after those issues have been addressed.
Modified articles
2.2 As soon as an article has been approved for publication, the author is asked to submit a revised version, taking into account the editing guidelines detailed below. The article will not be published before receiving final agreement for the use of files, illustrations and any copyright issues are addressed.
2.3 Summary and keywords The author should present a summary of the article (100-200 words) and 5-10 keywords, all in English, irrespective of the language used in the rest of the article. The summary and keywords must be placed between the title and the body of the article.
N.B. If the research has been financed with the support of an institution or programme, the author must offer the relevant information in the form of a footnote to the summary or at the end of the article.
2.4 Author information At the end of the article, the author or authors must write a short bio of no more than 200 words. In the email, the author(s) should include their affiliation and address (for mailing their hard copy).
2.5 Article format Articles in their final form should be submitted to the Editorial Board in electronic format, at our electronic address, or to the editor of each issue. The document must be formatted as follows: a. Page: standard A4 b. Page margins: 2.5 cm in all directions. c. Spacing: 1.5 lines. d. Fonts: - title: Times New Roman, size 14, bold, centre - summary, keywords: Times New Roman, size 10, justify - body of the article: Times New Roman, size 12, justify - notes, list of illustrations: Times New Roman, size 10, justify - bibliography: Times New Roman, size 12, justify For the list of accepted files, see above, 2.1.
2.6 Paragraphs Paragraphs should be justified and begin without a space.
2.7 Page numbering All pages ought to be numbered in the bottom-right corner.
2.8 Sub-titles Each sub-title must be separated from the body of text, leaving a blank line between it and the preceding paragraph.
2.9 Notes Bibliographical references, as well as other necessary clarifications should be made in footnotes, numbered continuously from the first to the last paragraph. Footnote numbering should not be started anew for every individual section of the article. Authors are asked, nevertheless, to avoid excessive use of footnotes.
2.10 Tables must be numbered in a continuous series, using Arabic numbers. Each table should be accompanied by a short description.
2.11 List of illustrations Illustrations must be numbered in the order they are referenced in the text. Where further clarification seems necessary, Arabic numbers may be supplemented with letters, e.g. Fig. 3a, Fig. 3b etc. Illustrations should be accompanied by a short description and photographic credits, where necessary, placed between parentheses.
2.13 List of citations A list of all sources cited in the text must accompany all articles submitted for publication in their final form, following the guidelines presented below.
2.14 Illustrations We recommend that the images be sent as separate files, with as high a resolution as possible.
2.15 Final check. Before submitting the final version of the articles, authors are kindly asked to check the following:
- The summary (100-200 words) and the keywords, all in English, are included in the beginning of the article.
- The article is linguistically correct.
- The citations are complete and follow the guidelines provided below.
- Every source mentioned in the text also appears in the final bibliography.
- Bibliographical information is accurate and complete; titles are ordered alphabetically, after the author’s surname (with the exception of reference titles or corpora, e.g. Encyclopaedia Britannica).
- The authors’ bios are listed at the end of the article.
Revised articles, accepted for publication
3.1 Publication agreement. All authors must grant their publication consent before an article can be published.
In general, bibliographical references are given in footnotes. It is recommended to use the Harvard system: name (date of publication), page(s). E.g. Parker (1996), 6-8.
5.1 Books
- Name of the author/editor.
- Date of publication.
- Title in italics.
- Edition used (if necessary).
- Collection (if necessary).
- Place of publication, followed by colon, followed by publishing house.
- In the footnote, specific pages (format: p. 1-2; please avoid abbreviations such as: p. 1 ff or sq)
In the reference list: Dyson, S.L. 1985. The Creation of the Roman Frontier. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
In the footnote: 1Dyson (1985), 86-87.
5.2. Articles in reviews
- Name of the author
- Title in quotation marks (‘...’)
- Name of the review in italics
- Volume, in Arabic numbers, date in parentheses, pages
Ph. Monbrun, ‘Apollon, le scorpion et le frêne à Claros’, Kernos 16 (2003), p. 143-170.
1Montbrun (2003), 143-145.
5.3. Articles in collective works
- Name of the author
- title in quotation marks (‘...’)
- in, followed by the bibliographical information about the volume, as described at 5.1.
L. Bruit Zaidman, ‘La notion d'archaion dans la Périégèse de Pausanias’, in G. Lachenaud, D. Longrée (eds). 2003. Grecs et Romains aux prises avec l'histoire. Représentations, récits et idéologie. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, p. 21-30.
1Zaidman (2003), 25.
5.4. Articles in dictionaries or encyclopaedias
- Name of the author
- s.u. followed by title in quotation marks (‘...’).
- name of the dictionary/encyclopaedia in italics
- Volume in Roman numbers, date in parentheses, page(s).
R. Schlesier, s.u. ‘Chthonische Götter’, Neue Pauly II (1997), col. 1185-1190.